Friday, 8 June 2012

Abbie's 18th birthday!!

Yesterday my best friend Abbie turned 18. To celebrate the special occasion she had a house party! Her house was full of cake, alcohol, a buffet, Chinese take-away, music and happy people, it was a really lovely afternoon/evening. I really enjoyed myself and I'm glad Abbie did too!
I thought I would share a few pictures from the event. I am the black haired girl in the bird dress. I can't decide which breed of bird is on my dress.. Heron maybe?

Me, Sam, Ashlee, The birthday girl and Leah.

Ashlee and myself.

Abbie's cake! A jacuzzi on top and two tiers of delicious cupcakes below!

Enjoying the jacuzzi!

The birthday girl and myself, I look a bit messy after the jacuzzi! 

I'm so glad Abbie had a good birthday, it was a really fun party!

My dress was from Primark and it cost £10.

You can find Abbie's blog here!

Thank-you for reading :) xx